New city «Trek» bikes arrived to our shop for this upcoming season 2024!
Hola blue riders! Hola 2024! We have some second hand bikes in our shop on sale in good condition and good price. If you are... Continue Reading
New location (only one) Calle mayor 45, Alicante / WINTER OPENING TIMES 22/23
PAY ATTENTION BIKERS! only one shop in Alicante. (watch out with copies) We moved to calle mayor 45, old town ( Alicante), only 100 meters... Continue Reading
Let´s follow us in @rentabikealicante instagram for daily news!
Big hugs, Blue Bike Alicante team.
Nueva bici de MTB 29´
Hola Bluebikers! * We are back again! Volvemos a abrir la tienda el 12 mayo 👍 Del miércoles al domingo en mayo. / from wednesday... Continue Reading
We are OPEN again… Make your reservation and enjoy the summer 2021 on two wheels!
Hi BlueBikers / Hola a todos! After 3 months we are back to bring you our bike rental and tours services with good vibes in... Continue Reading